Author Archives: Dr Radhika Kamat

Can Underlying Conditions Cause Autism (ASD) in Children?

ASD is a complex multifactorial condition that requires a holistic look at the body and health system. Symptoms are often the expression of underlying problems – testing and treatment of the underlying causes are key.  As a naturopath in Singapore, my approach involves an investigation of seven key bodily systems. If you would like to […]

Guide To Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) From a Naturopathic Perspective

Increases in NAFLD Prevalence Incidence of fatty liver has been increasing globally. Overall pooled global prevalence has been reported to be around 24%. However, in westernized Asian populations, including in Singapore, its prevalence appears to be higher; prevalence rates as high as 40% been reported. This is alarming! Although we know that fatty liver largely […]

What is IBD? Symptoms and Natural Treatments

Most people wake up each morning and go to the washroom without much thought about it. However, when you start getting severe pain in your stomach, and looser and looser stool, especially when there is blood in the toilet bowl, waking up and going to the washroom can be an intensely stressful experience. People who […]

Does Naturopathic Medicine Work For Children?

A Naturopathic Child is a Healthy Child! Naturopathic medicine and natural remedies work very well in children from infancy through adolescence. In this blog, Dr. Radhika Kamat, a leading naturopath in Singapore, discusses the effect of natural medicine on children. Does Naturopathic Medicine Work For Kids? Yes,children tend to respond very well to the safe […]

Can Naturopaths Help With Chronic Viral Infections and Disease?

Most people think of infections as something that happens acutely, and that’s for good reason; common viruses, like those that cause common cold or a stomach virus, have a distinct beginning and an end. You become ill, suffer for a few days, and recover. However, some people suffer from chronic infections. In these cases, the […]

What is Naturopathic Medicine? Guide To Treatment Methods, History and More

Patients are increasingly seeking naturopathic doctors as they learn about the side effects and dependency caused by over-the-counter prescription drugs. The practice of holistic medicine is rooted in science, has been proven to be effective, and can help with many maladies and symptoms. To learn more aobut naturopathic medicine, keep reading – and if you’d […]

How Viral Infections Influence Thyroid and Other Chronic Disease

The management of chronic diseases and autoimmunity poses a significant challenge. Traditional approaches often focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes. However, a shift is emerging in the science of chronic disease management, where a deeper understanding of underlying factors is leading to more effective, and longer-lasting, treatments. Among these factors, chronic […]