Eczema and Skin issues 

Dr. Radhika Kamat, is the leading naturopathic doctor* for eczema  in Singapore helps patients improve skin conditions through holistic means. If you are looking for alternative methods to heal your skin condition, Dr Kamat works with patients to identify the cause of eczema (dermatitis) and heal in a lasting, sustainable manner.

For a consultation, please get in touch as soon as possible. She would be happy to hear from you.

What is Eczema?

Eczema, alternatively known as dermatitis, is a chronic and inflammatory skin condition. It often causes itchy, cracked, inflamed, or rough skin, and it can be very uncomfortable.

eczema doctor Sinagpore

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common form of eczema, while dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx), stasis dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and neurodermatitis are other less common forms of the disorder. There are other forms of eczema as well, and a licensed doctor will be able to diagnose and treat your skin condition.

What Causes Eczema?

Genetics may actually be the leading cause of a patient’s eczema. This doesn’t mean the condition can’t be treated, but if a patient has certain gene mutations that affect the skin’s barrier function (in the filaggrin gene), eczema can be more likely.

Inflammation from common allergens may also be the cause. Pollen, dander from pets, dust, wheat-based foods and more have been known to trigger or worsen eczema in certain patients. A qualified naturopathic doctor * can help you analyze your lifestyle and diet to find potential sources of discomfort. 

Unsurprisingly, cold and dry climates have been known to irritate people’s skin, and if a patient already tends to suffer from eczema, this weather can make it much worse. 

Interestingly, gut health has been linked to eczema This is a common vein of exploration for functional medicine doctors* in Singapore. In a 2016 study, scientists linked underdeveloped gut flora with a higher risk of atopic eczema, and the evidence suggests that probiotics (and a resulting healthy gut) help the body produce healthy immune responses, thereby limiting the risk of eczema in patients.

Other factors, like stress, fungal infections, and other things, can exacerbate eczema. If you are suffering from a skin issue and are seeking alternative methods to heal , contact Dr. Radhika Kamat at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation.

How Does a Naturopathic Eczema practitioner in Singapore Treat Patients?

Naturopathic doctors* pursue the path of least harm when treating a patient, and anti-bacterial or pharmaceutical remedies would be considered a last resort.

One thing a holistically-focused doctor* would check is a patient’s diet. Are you consuming a high amount of gluten, dairy, or other food groups that could be inflammatory for certain clients. An elimination diet may be recommended, in which one common allergen is removed at a time. You would also want to make sure you are consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids (fish, walnuts etc.) and antioxidants (vegetables and fruits with vitamins A, C and E) – these have anti-inflammatory properties.

Probiotics and fibrous foods may help restore your gut balance, and avoiding artificial food coloring and preservatives can also help improve your condition.

Herbal medicines, like chamomile or calendula, have also been shown to help with eczema. It is worth noting that even though you may be able to secure natural supplements and remedies on your own, you need a qualified naturopathic doctor* to:

  1. Secure reputable, high quality products
  2. Ascertain the correct dosages of these remedies
  3. Mix different remedies together correctly so that they work together
  4. Agree on the correct duration of the treatment process

Additionally, a naturopathic doctor* would want to examine your lifestyle, stress load, and sleep habits. While not the direct cause of eczema, stress (and corresponding hormonal imbalances) do make dermatitis worse.

Dr. Kamat is also highly skilled in analyzing a patient’s lab work to find nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances. She can help you obtain necessary lab work, then examine the results to make sure your skin condition is not being spurred along by obvious issues that you can correct through supplementation.

How Long Does It Take For Eczema To Clear Up When You Are Undergoing Treatment?

Certain pharmaceutical products may dramatically improve eczema quickly, but these drugs often come with significant side effects and dependence. We prefer to help patients heal naturally as much as possible.

This can take anywhere from a few days (especially when an allergen is identified) to weeks or months, depending on the patient. In short, we will search for the root cause of a patient’s eczema, prescribe supplements and dietary changes as necessary, and help the patient’s body heal itself through a healthier lifestyle.

Contact Our Naturopathic Clinic in Singapore Today

Dr. Kamat helps babies, young kids, men and women heal from dermatitis, and she specializes in a number of other skin conditions, gut health, and hormonal issues as well. She would love to help you lead a healthier and more rewarding life, so get in touch at your earliest convenience.

Disclaimer * ( The services and qualification are not covered under Singapore Health Service Act- Medical or Dental),